I'm trying to do a patch for Ticket #5369 (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ ticket/5369).
I am working with the 1-2-stable branch. I am trying to add a test that adds validates_associated to the Reply model and goes for a false valid?. I discovered that it would only fail properly if I prepended 000 to the name so it would run early in the list of tests. I tracked down the problem to several tests adding various validations to the models. These validations are persistant across tests.
Here's what the validations of the Reply model look like during my test if I run my test at the begininning of the suite: (rdb:1) pp validations [#<Proc:0xb78d3e68@./../lib/active_record/validations.rb:296>, :errors_on_empty_content, :validate_associated_records_for_replies]
And here's what they look like if I break in the same test with only the name modified so it runs in the middle of the pack. (rdb:1) pp validations [#<Proc:0xb78c9e68@./../lib/active_record/validations.rb:296>, #<Proc:0xb78bda14@./../lib/active_record/validations.rb:407>, #<Proc:0xb78c9e68@./../lib/active_record/validations.rb:296>, #<Proc:0xb78c9e68@./../lib/active_record/validations.rb:296>, :errors_on_empty_content, :validate_associated_records_for_replies]
As you can see it has gathered a couple more validations from tests running in the first half of the suite.
I'm concerned some of the tests might be incorrectly passing as my test does when I place it in the middle of the pack.
Should the models be reset during the setup phase? Should I make a new model for my purposes and leave the topic/reply models alone?