ActiveRecord DateTime type search range.

i have a table full of entries that each have a datetime field with a date and timestamp... how would i use activerecord to get all entries from say 2008-08-12 12:00:00 to 2009-08-12 12:00:00.. i've tried searching the table in every way i can think of and can't seem to find it online

i have a table full of entries that each have a datetime field with a date and timestamp... how would i use activerecord to get all entries from say 2008-08-12 12:00:00 to 2009-08-12 12:00:00.. i've tried searching the table in every way i can think of and can't seem to find it online

SomeClass.find :all, :conditions => {:date_field =>
(first_date..second_date)} or SomeClass.find :all, :conditions => ['date_field > ? and date_field
< ?', first_date, second_date]


warning... I have been using range with ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone values (start_at, end_at) stored in DateTime columns in my DB check what this range will output : period = start_at..end_at vs period = Date.parse(start_at.to_s)..Date.parse(end_at.to_s) you will be surprised....