ActiveRecord::Base.find returning columns from :joins


  I'm trying to find all of the products that have parts supplied by the given supplier's name:

@products=Product.find :all, :include=>["company","parts"],                                :joins=>"inner join suppliers_to_parts stp on stp.part =                                 inner join suppliers s on = stp.supplier",                                :conditions=>[" = ?",name]

The problem is that the supplier's name is not returned, and :select doesn't work when :include is used. Of course I could use all :joins, or even find_by_sql, but I'd like to have my object hierarchy (well, as much as rails will allow) returned instead of a single object with a bunch of attributes.

Is it possible to achieve this some other way?

Thank You

Nope, eager includes clobber the :select option because of the way it generates it's own select clause.

I was having the same issue earlier this week -- innner joining two tables while trying to return a set of AR objects for one of those tables. Here's what I did in my project to get it to work.

Granted I'm using paginate() rather than find(), but it should probably work for you. I think the important thing here is the not use the :include option. As Rick confirmed, it clobbers the :select option with it's own value.


Yup, I'm afraid thats what i'll have to do. Thanks