Hi When strting my application I have three text boxes Username, password and company name A user on providing all these goes to user controller login_process action..That means in my application database.yml have no relevance .It is as def login_process ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'postgresql', :host => '', :username => 'postgres', :password => 'password', :database => 'gatekeeper' ) @the_site = Site.find_by_site_code(params[:company][:whichCompany])
#This sites table contains information of to which different databases to connect,the adapter using,IPaddress of database server etc based on company
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => @the_site.db_adapter, :host => @the_site.db_host, :username => @the_site.db_user, :password => @the_site.db_pw, :database => @the_site.db_name ) -----code continues end So what I am doing is suppose a user say user1 with password pass1 and gives company1 then it first connects to gatekeeper database and from that based on site code gets adapter,host,db_user,db_pw and db_name information and reconnected to that db(for example say appl_db on host as above...And I could successfully do it Now my problem is suppose a second user say user2 with passord pass2 and company company2 connects to the server(surely this user has a sepearate db since he belongs to a differnt company say for example appl_db2 on some other host) what happens is now the already logined first user's (user1) database connection information changes to that of second. That is the last login users information.. I think I can make you understand the problem..Please help..Why this happens..How to solve this?
Thanks in advance Sijo