ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection loads once?

Hello guys,

I'm using the establish connection method on my models to connect to different databases. My question is : Is it possible to connect to various databases dynamically as I'm trying to do (I am sending a name param) or does the connection params are only loaded once and can't be changed?

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(       :adapter => "sqlite",       :database => "db_#{name}"     )

Can I make it load in every request?


I've never done what you are trying but my understanding is that every time that your code executes it opens a new connection to the database. I just looked at establish_connection's code and it doesn't seem to check if there is an existing connection matching the parameters passed. I could be wrong, though. I am not a Rails expert.

Since you are going to be trying to create the connection from a Ruby program your program will be able to replace your variables with values so my guess is that yes, you can do it. Have you tried?
