ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch - unsure how to proceed

I'm creating a practice app on RoR, but i've run into this problem and I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically, its a stock picker, and there are Portfolios, Stocks, and Holdings. Holdings belong to both Portfolios and a particular Stock.

In my "create holding" page, i'm allowing the user to provide a Stock symbol (a string column in the stock table) and a quanity. However, for obvious reasons this doesnt work as when the form is submitted, this line:

@holding =[:holding])

Expects the value of "stock" that is passed in to be an actual Stock object, not a string representing the symbol for that stock.

How exactly should I get around this without converting the Stock field to a dropdown?


I'm creating a practice app on RoR, but i've run into this problem and I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically, its a stock picker, and there are Portfolios, Stocks, and Holdings. Holdings belong to both Portfolios and a particular Stock.

In my "create holding" page, i'm allowing the user to provide a Stock symbol (a string column in the stock table) and a quanity. However, for obvious reasons this doesnt work as when the form is submitted, this line:

@holding =[:holding])

Expects the value of "stock" that is passed in to be an actual Stock object, not a string representing the symbol for that stock.

change params[:holding][:stock] before you pass it to
