ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in ApplicationsController#create

(Apologies in advance...I can't seem to format this post correctly...before answering, please let me know how to force newlines/format code!!)

I've seen this error often and have tried to get to understand it based on other posts, but to no avail.

I'm very new to Rails and so my lack of knowledge of the theoretical framework here is likely the cause of this pitfall, but I would absolutely love it if someone could please lead me up to what exactly needs to change to avoid the error:

The exact error is:

Application(#70358560838160) expected, got String(#18246440)

Extracted source (around line #27):

# POST /applications.json def create    @application =

   respond_to do |format|      if

The parameters are as follows:



"application"=>{"patients_ptID"=>"1", "pharm_manufacturers_phID"=>"1", "medications_rxnorm_ndc"=>"Tylenol", "app_status"=>"Pending", "date_init(1i)"=>"2015", "date_init(2i)"=>"2", "date_init(3i)"=>"8"}, "commit"=>"Create Application"}

Here is my ApplicationsController (applications_controller.rb):

class ApplicationsController < ApplicationController   before_action :set_application, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

  # GET /applications   # GET /applications.json   def index     @applications = Application.all   end

  # GET /applications/1   # GET /applications/1.json   def show   end

  # GET /applications/new   def new     @application =   end

  # GET /applications/1/edit   def edit   end

  # POST /applications   # POST /applications.json   def create     @application =

    respond_to do |format|       if         format.html { redirect_to @application, notice: 'Application was successfully created.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @application }       else         format.html { render :new }         format.json { render json: @application.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # PATCH/PUT /applications/1   # PATCH/PUT /applications/1.json   def update     respond_to do |format|       if @application.update(application_params)         format.html { redirect_to @application, notice: 'Application was successfully updated.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @application }       else         format.html { render :edit }         format.json { render json: @application.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # DELETE /applications/1   # DELETE /applications/1.json   def destroy     @application.destroy     respond_to do |format|       format.html { redirect_to applications_url, notice: 'Application was successfully destroyed.' }       format.json { head :no_content }     end   end

  private     # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.     def set_application       @application = Application.find(params[:id])     end

    # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.     def application_params       params.require(:application).permit(:patients_ptID, :pharm_manufacturers_phID, :medications_rxnorm_ndc, :app_status, :date_init)     end end

And my applications form (applications/_form.html.erb):

<%= form_for(@application) do |f| %>   <% if @application.errors.any? %>     <div id="error_explanation">       <h2><%= pluralize(@application.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this application from being saved:</h2>

      <ul>       <% @application.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>         <li><%= message %></li>       <% end %>       </ul>     </div>   <% end %>

  <div class="field">     <%= f.label :patients_ptID %><br>     <%= f.number_field :patients_ptID %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :pharm_manufacturers_phID %><br>     <%= f.number_field :pharm_manufacturers_phID %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :medications_rxnorm_ndc %><br>     <%= f.text_field :medications_rxnorm_ndc %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :app_status %><br>     <%= f.text_field :app_status %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :date_init %><br>     <%= f.date_select :date_init %>   </div>   <div class="actions">     <%= f.submit %>   </div> <% end %>

And patient.rb:

class Patient < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :application, foreign_key: "ptID", class_name: "Application"   belongs_to :dispensed_meds, foreign_key: "ptID", class_name: "DispensedMed"   belongs_to :prescriptions, foreign_key: "ptID", class_name: "Prescription" end

And application.rb:

class Application < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :medications_rx_norm   has_one :medications_rxnorm_ndc, :through => :medications_rx_norm, :source => :application, dependent: :nullify

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :medications_rx_norm, :allow_destroy => :true

  has_one :patient   has_one :patients_ptID, :through => :patient, :source => :application, dependent: :nullify

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :patient, :allow_destroy => :true

  has_one :pharm_manufacturer   has_one :pharm_manufacturers_phID, :through => :pharm_manufacturer, :source => :application, dependent: :nullify

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :pharm_manufacturer, :allow_destroy => :true


Please let me know ASAP if you need anything else!!

(Apologies in advance...I can't seem to format this post correctly...before answering, please let me know how to force newlines/format code!!)

That is more a matter of knowing how to control your email program is it not? We can't really help with that here.

I've seen this error often and have tried to get to understand it based on other posts, but to no avail.

I'm very new to Rails and so my lack of knowledge of the theoretical framework here is likely the cause of this pitfall, but I would absolutely love it if someone could please lead me up to what exactly needs to change to avoid the error:

The exact error is:

Application(#70358560838160) expected, got String(#18246440)

Extracted source (around line #27):

# POST /applications.json def create    @application =

I suspect, though not certain, that Application may be a reserved word. Apart from anything else are you not going to get confused with a file application_controller.rb and another applications_controller.rb?

I suggest trying a different model name.


Thanks so much for the quick reply!

I figured out what was wrong with the formatting of the post (it was just not showing up correctly in the preview).

That could be very likely! I will go back and change the model name and get back to you as soon as I complete that!

Thanks again! I renamed the table/model/controller and am getting a different error based (likely) on the fact that I forgot to change the name somewhere...

NameError in PatientApplicationsController#create

undefined local variable or method `patient_application_params' for #<PatientApplicationsController:0x007f257dbdc9d8>

# POST /patient_applications.json def create    @patient_application =

   respond_to do |format|      if

The parameters are as follows:



"patient_application"=>{"patients_ptID"=>"1", "pharm_manufacturers_phID"=>"1", "medications_rxnorm_ndc"=>"Tylenol", "app_status"=>"Pending", "date_init(1i)"=>"2015", "date_init(2i)"=>"2", "date_init(3i)"=>"8"}, "commit"=>"Create Patient application"}

The updated controller is as follows:

class PatientApplicationsController < ApplicationController   before_action :set_patient_application, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

  # GET /patient_applications   # GET /patient_applications.json   def index     @patient_applications = PatientApplication.all   end

  # GET /patient_applications/1   # GET /patient_applications/1.json   def show   end

  # GET /patient_applications/new   def new     @patient_application =   end

  # GET /patient_applications/1/edit   def edit   end

  # POST /patient_applications   # POST /patient_applications.json   def create     @patient_application =

    respond_to do |format|       if         format.html { redirect_to @patient_application, notice: 'Patient application was successfully created.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @patient_application }       else         format.html { render :new }         format.json { render json: @patient_application.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # PATCH/PUT /patient_applications/1   # PATCH/PUT /patient_applications/1.json   def update     respond_to do |format|       if @patient_application.update(application_params)         format.html { redirect_to @patient_application, notice: 'Patient application was successfully updated.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @patient_application }       else         format.html { render :edit }         format.json { render json: @patient_application.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # DELETE /patient_applications/1   # DELETE /patient_applications/1.json   def destroy     @patient_application.destroy     respond_to do |format|       format.html { redirect_to patient_applications_url, notice: 'Patient application was successfully destroyed.' }       format.json { head :no_content }     end   end

  private     # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.     def set_patient_application       @patient_application = PatientApplication.find(params[:id])     end

    # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.     def application_params       params.require(:patient_application).permit(:patients_ptID, :pharm_manufacturers_phID, :medications_rxnorm_ndc, :app_status, :date_init)     end end

However, the original error persists in every connected table I have...such as the following:

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in DispensedMedsController#create

DispensedMed(#69899493618640) expected, got String(#8997680)

# POST /dispensed_meds.json def create    @dispensed_med =

   respond_to do |format|      if

The controller as follows:

class DispensedMedsController < ApplicationController   before_action :set_dispensed_med, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

  # GET /dispensed_meds   # GET /dispensed_meds.json   def index     @dispensed_meds = DispensedMed.all   end

  # GET /dispensed_meds/1   # GET /dispensed_meds/1.json   def show   end

  # GET /dispensed_meds/new   def new     @dispensed_med =   end

  # GET /dispensed_meds/1/edit   def edit   end

  # POST /dispensed_meds   # POST /dispensed_meds.json   def create     @dispensed_med =

    respond_to do |format|       if         format.html { redirect_to @dispensed_med, notice: 'Dispensed med was successfully created.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @dispensed_med }       else         format.html { render :new }         format.json { render json: @dispensed_med.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # PATCH/PUT /dispensed_meds/1   # PATCH/PUT /dispensed_meds/1.json   def update     respond_to do |format|       if @dispensed_med.update(dispensed_med_params)         format.html { redirect_to @dispensed_med, notice: 'Dispensed med was successfully updated.' }         format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @dispensed_med }       else         format.html { render :edit }         format.json { render json: @dispensed_med.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

  # DELETE /dispensed_meds/1   # DELETE /dispensed_meds/1.json   def destroy     @dispensed_med.destroy     respond_to do |format|       format.html { redirect_to dispensed_meds_url, notice: 'Dispensed med was successfully destroyed.' }       format.json { head :no_content }     end   end

  private     # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.     def set_dispensed_med       @dispensed_med = DispensedMed.find(params[:id])     end

    # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.     def dispensed_med_params       params.require(:dispensed_med).permit(:dis_date, :patients_ptID, :inventory_invID)     end end

And the respective form:

<%= form_for(@dispensed_med) do |f| %>   <% if @dispensed_med.errors.any? %>     <div id="error_explanation">       <h2><%= pluralize(@dispensed_med.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this dispensed_med from being saved:</h2>

      <ul>       <% @dispensed_med.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>         <li><%= message %></li>       <% end %>       </ul>     </div>   <% end %>

  <div class="field">     <%= f.label :dis_date %><br>     <%= f.date_select :dis_date %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :patients_ptID %><br>     <%= f.number_field :patients_ptID %>   </div>   <div class="field">     <%= f.label :inventory_invID %><br>     <%= f.number_field :inventory_invID %>   </div>   <div class="actions">     <%= f.submit %>   </div> <% end %>

As well as the model:

class DispensedMed < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :patient   has_one :patients_ptID, :through => :patient, :source => :dispensed_meds, dependent: :nullify   has_one :inventory   has_one :inventory_invID, :through => :inventory, :source => :dispensed_meds, dependent: :nullify end

Once again, thanks so so so much. It means a ton.