ActiveRecord association lazy reload?

If I want to reload an AR association, I can call "reload" on it. department.employees.reload or what have you.

But what I want to do is uncache it, but not actually take a trip to the db. I want to mark it so NEXT time it's accessed, it will take a trip to the db (if it is ever accessed again). I know it's become unreliable, but I don't want to spend the time reloading it now, I want to just mark it as uncached. Lazily reload it.

Any good way to do that in AR?

If I want to reload an AR association, I can call "reload" on it. department.employees.reload or what have you.

But what I want to do is uncache it, but not actually take a trip to
the db. I want to mark it so NEXT time it's accessed, it will take a
trip to the db (if it is ever accessed again). I know it's become unreliable, but I don't want to spend the time reloading it now, I want to just
mark it as uncached. Lazily reload it.

If it's an association collection, then department.employees.reset
should do the trick. For has_one/belongs_to you need to fiddle with


Perfect, that meets my present needs, thanks.

Would be a useful enhancement to support reset/reload on to-one relationships too, but for now this is what I need, thanks.

Frederick Cheung wrote: