[ActiveRecord] Add a method to assign attributes without changes

After using update_all to update a bunch of records in one query, I would like to refresh one model object of them. I avoid using reload method, since it doesn’t have to load the data from database. I can assign the new attributes by using assign_attributes method. But in this way the model object is changed. For example:

).update_all(column => value)
current_user.assign_attributes(column => value)
# => true

I find a workaround by calling clear_attribute_changes method

current_user.assign_attributes(column => value)
current_user.send(:clear_attribute_changes, column)
# => false

It’s ugly, I think it will be cleaner if we have a assign_attributes_without_changes method.

current_user.assign_attributes_without_changes(column => value)
# => false