ActiveMerchant throws an invalid transaction error

I am trying to incorporate ExpressCheckout with Paypal using Active Merchant and when I click on the express checkout button it takes me to the paypal site and gives me an error that says Invalid transaction error please use the ......

I notice that the error log does not generate a token at the time of sending the request and it looks something like this

So i feel that the error lies there but I may be wrong.

I have a setup a paypal account and a buyer seller accounts are in place.

My Controller looks like this

def express     cart = find_cart     price = cart.get_price_in_cents     response= EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(price, {:ip=>request.remote_ip, :return_url=>new_orders_url, :cancel_return_url=>"http://localhost:3000/search/home"\})     redirect_to EXPRESS_GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(response.token)   end

I would appreciate any kind of help with this.
