ActiveMerchant, and Email Receipts

I've posted this on and in the ActiveMerchant talk group, and haven't received an answer, so I figure I'll try here.

Hello. I've been searching for information on this for a while, but my google fu is evidently weak--hardly anyone even talks about email receipts re: ActiveMerchant, much less my specific problem. In any case, I have a client whose customers, we had just discovered, had not been receiving email receipts from All was correct on the config--what I discovered was that my app was not sending the customer email. I fixed this problem, but it didn't fix the issue--even though the email was getting sent, using the options hash in AuthorizeNetGateway#purchase, was still not sending receipts. I investigated further, and found this in the ActiveMerchant code:


module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:   module Billing #:nodoc: class AuthorizeNetGateway < Gateway


  def add_customer_data(post, options)         if options.has_key? :email           post[:email] = options[:email]           post[:email_customer] = false         end

        if options.has_key? :customer           post[:cust_id] = options[:customer]         end

        if options.has_key? :ip           post[:customer_ip] = options[:ip]         end       end ...etc...


add_customer_data is called within purchase to process its options hash. My question is in reference to the line that processes the email key: Why on earth does it, after checking to see if the email entry exists, set customer_email explicitly to false? Why is this not based on some sort of configurable option, or just let alone ( will check the merchant-set options if no customer_email field is sent)? It's remarkably puzzling, so if any of you fine fellows knows the answer, please let me know.

Cheers, A. Wilson

add_customer_data is called within purchase to process its options hash. My question is in reference to the line that processes the email key: Why on earth does it, after checking to see if the email entry exists, set customer_email explicitly to false?

No idea, probably either it was easier, it wouldn't fit with their gateway api (i.e. other vendors might not have that functionality), it worked for them at the time.

Have you tried overriding it in your own app? You could always submit a patch to


Cheers Luke

I didn't have the time to sit down and work out overriding it, but it's a good idea, and Ruby definitely supports the paradigm, so I'll probably do that. And, yeah, who knows, maybe I'll even go in with a patch. Thanks for the response!

Cheers, AW