ActionWebServer and SOAPFault

I'm really new to RoR and my first task is to write SOAP web service. The problem is that I don't understand how to send custom SOAPFault messages in case of the errors.

For example, I have FindCustomerById API signature:

api_method :find_customer_by_id,            :expects => [{:customer_id => :int}],            :returns => [Customer]

And controller:

def find_customer_by_id(customer_id)   Customer.find(customer_id) end

The requirement from the vendor is that if such customer does not exist I send back to client SOAPFault message with faultcode = "error", faultstring = "no such customer" and such detail: <error> <param id="errorCode" label="Error code">incorrect_request</param> <param id="errorDescr" label="Error description">Custome with such customer_id does not exists</param> </error>

I cant figure out how to construct such SOAPFault message and send it back. Please help me, with some example code if possible.


I am actually having the same problem. Have you figured out how to construct a SOAPFault object using RoR? If so, would it possible to give me some clue?

Thanks, Yan