Actionmailer - Multipart and Outlook?


I’m having issues with getting a consistent result with the emails I am sending using Actionmailer.

Problem: Emails that I send with plain text, rich text, and attachments do not display the same results across GMail, Yahoo, Outlook and Thunderbird.


I am sending an email with text/plain, text/html, and 2 attachments using the code below, and I’ve specified the content_type. GMail receives and displays the email perfectly but in outlook, none of the attachments are displayed, and in thunderbird, the last attachment is displayed, and in yahoo, none of the attachments display. I’ve followed many tutorials including the guide in the actionmailer main doc.

this is in my mailer

Simplified Version:

def ticket_email(options)

msg = options[:ticket_id] ? "#{options[:message]}<br /><br

Please leave the [Ref: ##{options[:ticket_id]}] in your subject when replying, Thank you." : options[:message]

subject     "subject"

recipients  options[:recipients]||''

from        options[:from]||''

cc          options[:cc]||"" 

bcc         options[:bcc]||""

content_type    "multipart/alternative"

part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => render_message("ticket_email.text.plain.haml", :message => msg)

part :content_type => "text/html", :body => render_message("ticket_email.text.html.haml", :message => msg)

attachment :content_type => f.content_type, :body => contents, :filename => f.original_filename


Full Version (in case you wanted to take a look at it)

def ticket_email(options)

msg = options[:ticket_id] ? "#{options[:message]}<br /><br /><br />Please leave the [Ref: ##{options[:ticket_id]}] in your subject when replying, Thank you." : options[:message]

subject     options[:subject]||'No Subject'
recipients  options[:recipients]||''
from        options[:from]||''
cc          options[:cc]||"" 
bcc         options[:bcc]||""

content_type    "multipart/alternative"

part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => render_message("ticket_email.text.plain.haml", :message => msg)

part :content_type => "text/html", :body => render_message("ticket_email.text.html.haml", :message => msg)

unless options[:file].nil? or options[:file].empty?
  options[:file].each do |f|
    unless f==''
      if !f.path.nil? and !f.path.empty?
        contents =

        contents =
      attachment :content_type => f.content_type, :body => contents, :filename => f.original_filename

end Any help would be great, I have been searching for a solution for a while now.

Thanks, Matt

Just for some perspective… I had these same sort of problems with other web frameworks trying to send multipart mail, especially to Outlook.

I bring this up because you might find helpful information from other systems. I.e. widen your search.



Thanks for the tip, I’ve come to the realization that it is whenever I send a multipart email it is not consistently being displayed. What frameworks did you look at?

Thanks, Matt