action mailer delivery errors


i've been reading up on action mailer in AWDWR 1st Ed. my rails app has a mechanism for reporting issues with the app and mails it out to support people. the book says that with Action::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true trying to deliver the email will raise an exception if the email can't be sent.. it also says that in some cases there is no way to know if delivery was successful.. like if the email bounces because of a bad address or mailbox is full or whatever have you. in my situation the email bouncing because of bad address or full mailbox is very unlikely. each issue report record will have a flag to indicate whether it was delivered or not.. i really don't want a record marked as delivered if it didn't make it to the recipient.. are there any other situations other than the ones i noted above where an email won't get delivered and won't raise an exception ??

thanks in advance,
