Accessing params in actionview


I need something like :

   <% obj = params[:obj].find(params[:obj_id]) %>

Well, you need to look at the documentation for ActiveSupport::Inflector.constantize and Object#send   ri Object#send


But you should know that this is potentially disastrous, say if params has {:obj => "ImportantModel", :obj_id => "1", :obj_method => "destroy"}. (Repeat with all other values for :obj_id :wink:

Note also that you don't check for any exceptions (such as ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound or NoMethodError)


   <textarea id="mce_edit" style="height:430px; width:100%;">      <%= obj.params[:obj_method] %>    </textarea>

in a partial. params[:obj] and params[:obj_method] are strings like TrstSysPage, title. params[:obj_id] is number and is only working for the rest I got

undefined method `params' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xb4b38b48>

Extracted source (around line #17):

14: <body style="background-color : #AFAFAF; padding: 10px 10px 0 10px;"> 15: <% obj = params[:obj].find(params[:obj_id]) %> 16: <textarea id="mce_edit" style="height:430px; width:100%;"> 17: <%= obj.params[:obj_method] %> 18: </textarea> 19: <p style="padding: 15px 0 0 10px">

I'm stuck :slight_smile: -- Posted via

Rob Biedenharn

Rob Biedenharn wrote:


But you should know that this is potentially disastrous, say if params has {:obj => "ImportantModel", :obj_id => "1", :obj_method => "destroy"}. (Repeat with all other values for :obj_id :wink:

Note also that you don't check for any exceptions (such as ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound or NoMethodError)

Thanks! I use this just for edit some html data with mceEdit. All params comes from regularly checked edit form, but I needed a new screen/window for those text fields :slight_smile:

Thanks again I'll try tomorrow . Here is :slight_smile: already tomorrow

You are the best!!! It's working !

I haven't patience till morning

Long live rails community :slight_smile: