When creating a view to display infromation obtained from a model,
should the view always get this information from the controller, or
should it get it directly from the model?
Which one is simplest?
I think it's ideal when the controller sets up a single variable, such as @datagram, and then the view uses only first-level method calls on @datagram:
@datagram.marbles.each do |marble|
<%=h %>
Simplified eRB, of course, but you get the idea. We did not call @datagram.method.method(42).method.marbles. The model and controller should have set any parameters up for @datagram to do its job, such as provide the 42.
(.each is technically a method call, but it's more stable, and it's essentially a part of Ruby's core mechanics, so we give it a pass. We would not give .select{} or .inject{} the same pass!)
For example, say I have Class and Student models, and they are in a
many to many relationship via the enrolled table. Now my view wants to
display the students of a given class. Should the controller run the
query and store it in a variable (say @students) that is passed to the
view? Or, should the view just access it directly like
<% for enrolled in @class.enrolled_students %>
<%= %>
I can think of no reason to use 'for in' in Ruby. I suspect Matz added it early, to imitate languages that must use 'for'...
But your (is missing an h, and) has too many dots. I suspect that would violate something called the "Law of Demeter" if any of those dots took a "left-turn" into another high-level module.
Because you will find enrolled delegating to student frequently, your code is already more dry if enrolled has a def name;; end. That hides a dot in the model, which is the ultimate goal of refactoring - dense models, aggressive but sparse controller actions, and thick views with minimal Ruby method calls.
The controller is like the Government. Paraphrasing Abe Lincoln, it should only do what the model and view can't do for themselves.
I like the second way because it does not require me to put any code
in the controller. I just feel like this is coupling the view and to
the model and I can't tell if that is a bad thing in an MVC framework?
I feel like it is.
Coupling the view to the model is part of MVC. Look up one of the diagrams - I think there's an arrow from the V to M...