access @new_record_before_save

jdf пишет:

is there a way to access a model instance's @new_record_before_save? method? i haven't been able to figure out how to write a reader for it. an earlier post here suggested something like this:

before_save("@newly_saved? = new_record?; true") attr_reader :newly_saved?

but that raises an error on save:

SyntaxError: compile error /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:346: parse error, unexpected '=' @newly_saved? = new_record?; true               ^   

Instance variables doesn't allow non-alphanumeric characters like "?".

Then "@new_record_before_save?" is not a method. It's an instance variable. Almost. I guess, you mixed "@new_record_before_save" instance variable and "new_record_before_save?" method together.

So, look for the same instance variables, but without "?".