Hi everyone
Is there a way to access the information in db/database.yml at runtime. Sort of a DB_ENV or something similar?
Kindest regards
Erik Lindblad
Hi everyone
Is there a way to access the information in db/database.yml at runtime. Sort of a DB_ENV or something similar?
Kindest regards
Erik Lindblad
Have you tried RAILS_ENV? It represents the environment in which you're currently running: development, test or production. Of course, you can use more or different environments than that by making your own, e.g., staging.
Regards, Craig
Hi everyone
Is there a way to access the information in db/database.yml at runtime. Sort of a DB_ENV or something similar?
This is grungy (because there is no accessor for the instance
variable. might not work for all adapters, might break between rails
versions etc...)
If different models have different settings, then say Person.connection.instance_variable_get('@config')
will get that models configuration
Great advice, this really works. Craig, thanks for the advice but I really wanted to get the actual values set in database.yml and not the environment itself.
Is there a reason for not putting this in RAILS_ENV or any similar construct? Or is it "un-Raily" to want to know what goes on behind the curtains.
Great advice though, it will work for now.
Erik Lindblad
Hi Erik,
Erik Lindblad wrote:
I really wanted to get the actual values set in database.yml
You can do this quite easily by just reading database.yml. Something like...
db_config = YAML.load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/database.yml"))[ENV['RAILS_ENV']]
HTH, Bill
Here's how I can get the username, password, etc from database.yml:
config = Rails::Configuration.new database = config.database_configuration[”production”]
Hope that helps.
ActiveRecord::Base.configurations returns a hash of the known configurations.
=> {“adapter”=>“postgresql”, “host”=>“localhost”, “database”=>“app_production”}
Hi all
This last one I think I like the best, more clean.
Thanks for all the input