accepts_nested_attributes_for has_one issue

Hi JB,

Im having an issue with accepts_nested_attributes_for for a has_one relationship. I have posted the code below and the parameters sent to the create but this is not saving the user_detail association record.

View code looks fine at a glance especially as it's producing the right params below.

"user"=>{"user_detail_attributes"=>{"website_url"=>""}, "commit"=>"Sign up"}

I would try doing the equivalent on the Rails console, so just loading a user object, setting 'user_detail_attributes' attribute, then saving and see if that works so any view/controller code can be ruled out. Also I think posting the code in the controller's create action would be useful. Could possibly be an interaction with attr_accessible so I would temporarily disable that to see if it makes a difference.

Hope that helps, Andrew

I would try doing the equivalent on the Rails console, so just loading a user object, setting 'user_detail_attributes' attribute, then saving and see if that works so any view/controller code can be ruled out. Also I think posting the code in the controller's create action would be useful. Could possibly be an interaction with attr_accessible so I would temporarily disable that to see if it makes a difference.

Hi Andrew,

Doesnt work when trying to create via the rails_console, it does work ok when i do an edit on an exisiting model(details below).

user = User.find(:first) user.user_detail_attributes = {"website_url" => ""} => {"website_url" => ""} user.user_details => expected_object_details......

I commented out attr_accessible and went through the create code again but still got no user_details saving.

Processing Members::UsersController#create (for at 2009-05-21 20:25:15) [POST]   Parameters: {"user"=>{"user_detail_attributes"=>{"website_url"=>""}, "password_confirmation"=>"xxxxx", "terms"=>"1", "first_name"=>"John", "password"=>"xxxxxx", "last_name"=>"Butler", "email"=>""}, "commit"=>"Sign up"}   e[4;36;1mUser Exists (0.0ms)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT "users".id FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."email" = E'') LIMIT 1e[0m   e[0mINSERT INTO "users" ("salt", "updated_at", "activated_at", "crypted_password", "vat_number", "title", "user_status_id", "creator_id", "deleted_at", "remember_token_expires_at", "activation_code", "role_id", "preferred_currency_id", "password_reset_code", "reseller_user_id", "updater_id", "reseller_logo", "remember_token", "terms", "first_name", "reseller_code", "last_name", "email", "created_at", "state") VALUES(E'968befce88854acfe386fca4b80aea292b0c5470', '2009-05-21 19:25:15.531000', NULL, E'dd5be536373ce67d3e60b5acc3d2f811330a4062', NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, E'425574bd1b0d7d81f997f0a8f9b294d23386aee5', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 't', E'John', NULL, E'Butler', E'', '2009-05-21 19:25:15.531000', E'pending') RETURNING "id"e[0m   e[4;36;1mUser Load (0.0ms)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT * FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 981727452) e[0m Sent mail to

Im still stuck on this, weird!.


I'm having just the same problem at the moment, was there a solution posted for this?

Richard, I had a go at it the other day and strangely enough it was all working fine, I threw my demo up on github so maybe you can check it out to help fix your problem:

Thomas wrote:

Richard, I had a go at it the other day and strangely enough it was all working fine, I threw my demo up on github so maybe you can check it out to help fix your problem:


On Jun 10, 4:05�pm, Richard Shank <>

Actually, my problem had to do with having attr_accessable in the parent model. My clue was getting a message in the console "WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes:"

Thanks for the post, I did use your code to start rebuilding to find out where my problem was.