about validate


I am new to Ruby on Rails.. (2.2) I am currently following steps from the book "agile web delopment with Rails" building depot application.

It says I need to edit "app/models/product.rb" file and add the following lines to check the price to be at least a cent.. that's 0.01

i just tried it for myself. it's working correctly. so i advice to put a debugger at the beginning of your action and look what you are getting for price and where the error occurrs (whether it's inside that method or even before).

thank you for trying it out for me.. and for the advice too..

I ran over the steps again.. and it works fine now.. I found out why too.. when I added a new column "price" to the table.. I forgot to write its :precesion and :scale .. I hope I don't make mistakes like that no more..

thank u MaD