A "User has_many :files", a "File has_many :users" - How?

I'm also a newbie. Here's how I do it:

There is a technique called habtm -- has and belongs to many.

I am not going to show you habtm, because I don't use it. Habtm describes the trivial situation where the pivot table contains only ids from the two tables it joins. You may find you want other data in your join table besides just those two ids, and thus you would use the method I am describing. It is in the section in Agile Rails Development called "Using Models as Join Tables".

You make what's called a "pivot table", or an "intermediate join table". It is a table that sits between your two tables. At the very least, it has an id from each table. Your model would be called


your table would be called


and it would consist of

user_id file_id

but could have other columns as well.

Then, in your user_file model, you have these lines:

belongs_to :user belongs_to :file

(notice the pluralization -- when you talk about a model on the "one" side of a one-to-many relationship, it's singular - -on the many side, it's plural)

in your user model, you have these lines

has_many :user_files has_many :files, :through => :user_files

and your user table must have, at the very least, these columns:

id user_file_id

then of course in your file model, you have

has_many :user_files has_many :users, :through => :user_files

and your file model must have, at the very least, these columns

id user_file_id

And rails style says that all these id columns should be integers, but if you want to fight that, there are ways.

That's it, good luck.


Another (semi?)newbie chiming in:

Charlie described one method, which is certainly good if you have more complex relationships. But if you really just need a simple many to many relationship I find join tables and has_and_belongs_to_many works well.

Your user table has an id field. Your file table has an id field. You then have a join table. The join table has only the id from the other two fields. The name of the join table is the plural forms of both tables joined with an underscore, in alphabetical order.

If you are using migrations your join table should look something like this:

create_table "files_users", :id => false, :force => true do |t|     t.column "file_id", :integer, :null => false     t.column "user_id", :integer, :null => false end

Notice the :id => false. This is so your migration does not create an id in the join table.

Now, your models.


has_and_belongs_to_many :files #other associations


has_and_belongs_to_many :users

Thats it :slight_smile:

If you do a Google search for "rails habtm" you will get lots of resources.

this looks like a many to many question. use http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/has_and_belongs_to_many

use in your model: has_and_belongs_to_many