A rails plugin to generate css sprite image automatically

Hi guys,

I have written a rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite image automatically.

The project repository is here: http://github.com/flyerhzm/css_sprite

It is based on RMagick and you need only define a rule from what source images to a destination image, as follows:

forum_icon_vertical.gif: # destination image file   sources: # source image file list     - good_topic.gif     - mid_topic.gif     - unread_topic.gif     - sticky_topic.gif   orient: vertical # composite gravity, vertical or horizontal   span: 20 # span of space between two images

Then run a rake task

rake css_sprite:build

So, you can see a forum_icon_vertical.gif generated in public/images directory and a css sprite rule in tmp/css_sprite.css, as follows:

.good_topic     backgound: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 0px     width: 20px     height: 19px .mid_topic     backgound: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 39px     width: 20px     height: 19px .unread_topic     backgound: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 78px     width: 19px     height: 18px .sticky_topic     backgound: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 116px     width: 19px     height: 18px

Hope you like it!

Richard Huang

flyerhzm wrote:

Hi guys,

I have written a rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite image automatically.

The project repository is here: GitHub - flyerhzm/css_sprite: automatically css sprite

It is based on RMagick and you need only define a rule from what

           # span of space between two images

Then run a rake task

rake css_sprite:build


Richard Huang

Thanks a lot dude !!

Cool, I have already cloned it!!! I think this link you also referred to (about css sprite best practices) is equally significant for most of us: http://www.huangzhimin.com/entries/190-css-sprite-best-practices

I'm glad you like this plugin, and I also write a similar post here, http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/43-use-css-sprite-automatically, so that you can post your comment about it. Thanks

flyerhzm wrote in post #855601:

Hi guys,

I have written a rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite image automatically.

This is awesome! I'm really glad you are creating tools like this. Just wanted to through out there that there is another gem that is similar, active_assets, but it also creates the stylesheets!

Check it out at Github: GitHub - shwoodard/active_assets: A Railtie that provides a full asset management system, including support for development and deployment. It is designed to manage javascripts and stylesheets using a dsl and generates image sprites from a parallel dsl.

The latest releases only work with Rails 3, but if you need 2.3 support use 0.3.x.

Cheers, Sam

One more option https://github.com/hagenburger/lemonade :wink: