8.0.1 + propshaft + bootstrap

So I had enough of the debacle, so I put “bootstrap” 5.3.3 into the gemfile, and “dartsass-rails” into the gemfile. Then this script into the app:

module PrepareScss
  ASSETS = %w(app/assets/stylesheets app/assets/images app/assets/fonts)
  OUTPUT = "app/assets/builds/application.css"
  INFILE = "app/assets/stylesheets/appstyle.scss"

  def self.run
    return if FileUtils.uptodate?(OUTPUT, Find.find(*ASSETS).to_a)
    search = [ File.join(Gem.loaded_specs["bootstrap"].full_gem_path,
                         "assets/stylesheets") ]
    css = Sass.compile INFILE, source_map: false, load_paths: search
    css = AutoprefixerRails.process(css.css).css
    File.write OUTPUT, css

Sass.compile appears to need a working Linux [emu] for now (due to the dart plague), otherwise one can also call the exe/sass executable instead.

And call it:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_action do
    if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "development"

Some requires are needed:

require 'find'
require 'sass-embedded'
require 'autoprefixer-rails'

And that seems to work. Obviousely a node executable must be present. But no need for any npx or node_modules. No need for watcher processes, bin/dev, bin/setup or whatever else. End of story, love it.