404 page not found error

Hi Everyone,

I want to redirect the user to login page, when he is trying to use access unavailable page. Usually it throws me a exception error and 404 page.

But here when user got 404 error he will be redirected to login page, I modified the method perform_action under the file /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb as follows:

      def perform_action         if self.class.action_methods.include?(action_name)           send(action_name)           default_render unless performed?         elsif respond_to? :method_missing           method_missing action_name           default_render unless performed?         elsif template_exists? && template_public?           default_render         else      #the coding was changed for to avoid 404 errors on 06/04/08      #flash[:notice]="Seems that the page you were looking for does not exist, so you\'ve been redirected here."      redirect_to :controller=>'account', :action=>'login'           #raise UnknownAction, "No action responded to #{action_name}", caller         end       end

Its working well shall I override this function in my application controller or in some where my app files cos its now in vendor folder,

regards, veeraa

Why do that? That's silly!

You should simply catch an exception and redirect to another page
rather than do that... but better to use a before_filter.


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Hi Everyone,

I want to redirect the user to login page, when he is trying to use access unavailable page. Usually it throws me a exception error and
404 page.

Yuck. rails 2 has stuff to make this much nicer, just stick

rescue_from(::ActionController::UnknownAction) {redirect_to ...} in your application controller


Yuck. rails 2 has stuff to make this much nicer, just stick

rescue_from(::ActionController::UnknownAction) {redirect_to ...} in your application controller


Haha, you are the man Fred, Where would the rails world be without you! :slight_smile: