Hi all, I just wanted to comment on "5.8 Improved Caching Performance" in the Rails 2.3 release notes (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ 2_3_release_notes.html).
In my first read through of the notes, I had absolutely no idea what this was talking about. In seeing: "Rails now keeps a per-request local cache of requests, cutting down on unnecessary reads and leading to better site performance." my response was "doesn't Rails' query caching already do that?
After looking around I stumbled on http://www.motionstandingstill.com/how-to-reduce-your-memcache-reads/2008-11-14/ which is a blog post by the person referenced below the 5.8 section, so I now know that originally he wrote a buffer for memcache reads, preventing multiple hits to the memcache server. So I'd think adding some comments to this regarding its specificity to either Memcache or Rails.cache hits would be extremely clarifying.
Idea for rewording: Rails.cache now keeps a per-request local buffer of reads from the remote cache stores, cutting down on unnecessary reads to the underlying cache store and leading to better site performance. While this work was originally limited to MemCacheStore, it is available to any remote store than implements the required methods.