Zurich, Switzerland Ruby/Rails User Group forming

Seeing that there is no Zurich (or Swiss for that matter) Ruby or Rails group, I'd like to start one.

I'd like to propose Thursday evening on the 28.9.2006 as the forming date (a date that coincidentally falls on the Rails Workshop [1] I'll be holding in Zurich from the 27.-29.9)

Venue would be a restaurant in Zurich, there'd be some eating and talking and generally consensus forming on how to proceed with the user group.

Anyone interested, see my [blog entry on zurich.rb][2] and get in touch.

Jens-Christian Fischer

[1]: http://www.invisible.ch/static/47/rubyonrailsschulung [2]: http://blog.invisible.ch/2006/08/21/zurichrb-forming/