win32/service error


I'm trying to add a application as a service in Windows XP Pro

I'm using the following code grabbed from KirbyBase:

svc ="localhost")     svc.create_service do |s|         s.service_name = "TBWin32ReportingAgt"         s.binary_path_name = 'C:\\TBWin32\\TB Reporting Agent\\TBWin32ReportingAgt.exe'         s.display_name = "TBWin32 Reporting Agt"

        # This is required for now - bug in win32-service         s.dependencies =    end     svc.close     puts "TBWin32 Server service installed"

When I run this I get the following:

c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/win32-service-0.6.1-x86-mswin32-60/lib/win32/serv ice.rb:277:in `initialize': no options provided (ArgumentError)         from s.rb:6:in `new'         from s.rb:6