Why SPAs are usually a waste of time/money


I’d like to share an article with you why SPAs are a bad architectural choice from a business perspective 99% of the time.



Best regards

Greg Navis

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I have always stuck with the rails way and it has paid me huge dividends. Yes, in my company we have experimented with single page apps and have found that it took far greater time to build anything. I am happy that some one is speaking against SPA’s.

Its like this, a micro kernel OS looks good on paper, but Linux has won today.

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I notice basic staple sites like gmail rely on real time technologies like let’s say React and ActionCable so things going to follow the need for real time

Most business sites != GMail. In what sense is Gmail "basic staple"? If anything it's the opposite.


I notice basic staple sites like gmail rely on real time technologies like let’s say React and ActionCable so things going to follow the need for real time

gmail is a massive complex, hugely expensive site that is built by a large engineering (and management) team. It is painful and slow to adapt and extend.

nothing even remotely basic about it

My jab at SPA’s https://mindaslab.github.io/2018/11/07/finally-some-one-speaks-against-single-page-apps.html

I meant everyone uses it

This is why we need to maintain Turbolinks.

Turbolinks is not actively maintained, if we maintain it, we can live with it.

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