I just used Synaptic to install package sqlite3 on my Ubuntu Gutsy
Gibbon system, and I now have a sqlite3 command. But that doesn't
change the behavior of the demo one bit. There is still a sqlite3
file missing.
I was wondering why Sqlite3 has been
chosen as the default for Rails 2.0.2. What does it have over MySQL to warrant
such a change?
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There. You’re done. No creating permissions, users, databases, etc. No need to run an extra process (mysql) just to try something out. The database is a file, so its portable. I use it almost exclusively for the first phases of my projects because of its ease of use and portability. I recommend it highly and am just thrilled by the fact that it’s the new default.
Some may complain that there aren’t many good GUI tools for SQLite… but with migrations, tests, and script/console, that’s not an issue at all.
Manage any SQLite database on your computer. An intuitive heirarchical
tree showing database objects. Helpful dialogs to manage tables, indexes,
views and triggers. You can browse and search the tables, as well as add,
edit and delete the records. Facility to execute any sql query. A
dropdown menu helps with the sql syntax thus making writing sql easier.
Easy access to common operations through menu, toolbars, buttons and
context-menu. Export tables/views in csv or xml format
Most Rails developers would have been using Sqlite anyway in development
and test modes. Its really fast, and its also very easy to run sqlite in memory
I am having sufficient trouble with sqlite3 that I have decided to
revert back to rails 1.2.6 for the time being, and wait for the 2.0.2
install, dependency, and configuration problems to sort themselves
So, let me pose a new question: How do I uninstall Rails 2.0.2?