weird error in rails 2.3.5


I'm facing very simple weird error.

in my main page main.html.erb

<%=render(@locations) %>

and in I try to output name twice


<li><> <><><></li>

name attribute only outputs one time??

I cannot figure out why this is happening?


To work out what is going on in these situations it is often worth while to fiddle with what you have and see what happens. For example what if you try <li>A <> B <> C <> D <> E</li>

Also look at the generated html (View > Page Source or similar in the browser) to see what is there.


Colin, I already tried that

It's only outputting A and nothing else.

but if I change to.

<% @locations.each do |location| %>   <li>A <> B <> C <> D <> E</li> <% end %>

it works.

Could you please quote the previous message so that it easier to follow the thread. Remember this is a mailing list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum interface).

If you did not have the each loop round it then what was setting up location?


Colin Law wrote in post #1064044:

it works.

Could you please quote the previous message so that it easier to follow the thread. Remember this is a mailing list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum interface).

If you did not have the each loop round it then what was setting up location?



I'm facing very weird issue.

in my main page main.html.erb

<%=render(@locations) %>

....and in


....I try to output name twice

<li><> <><><></li>

name attribute only outputs one time?? it ignore the rest of <%= %>

I cannot figure out why this is happening?


Colin Law wrote in post #1064039:


<li><> <><><></li>

name attribute only outputs one time??

To work out what is going on in these situations it is often worth while to fiddle with what you have and see what happens. For example what if you try <li>A <> B <> C <> D <> E</li>

Also look at the generated html (View > Page Source or similar in the browser) to see what is there.


Colin, I already tried that

It's only outputting A and nothing else.

but if I change to.

<% @locations.each do |location| %>   <li>A <> B <> C <> D <> E</li> <% end %>

it works.

Try to be more specific with old versions of Rails and change <%= render(@locations) %> to <%= render :partial => "location/location", :collection => @locations %> In this case _location partial should have local variable "location" correctly set.

Hope, this helps.


I fixed the issue, it was related to override of name attribute in the model class.