View the new node added to a tree


    I am working on data having tree structure. I did the insertion of new node to the tree. After inserting I need to show the tree with the new node.

   For example:

   At first the tree looks like:           - Root               - Node 1                    Node 1.1                  - Node 1.2                       Node 1.2.1                       Node 1.2.2               + Node 2

   I inserted a new node Node 1.1.1 under Node 1.1. After inserting this node I need to show the tree as follows:             - Root                  - Node 1                     - Node 1.1                         Node 1.1.1                     - Node 1.2                         Node 1.2.1                         Node 1.2.2                  + Node 2

  A '-' sign appears before Node 1.1, also the new node Node 1.1.1 is shown under Node 1.1

How will I achieve this? Please help me.

Thanks Regards Suneeta