video uploading in youtube

Hi, I am having troubles with direct API working, I am using net/http and net/https and am getting a Connection reset by peer error. I am including the full program code below and I hope somebody can spot what I am doing wrong.

ruby youtube_upload.rb DevID User Pass Video_Filename

Here is the program code:

require 'net/http' require 'net/https'

if ( ARGV.size < 4 )    print "\nUsage: ruby youtube_upload.rb <DevID> <User> <Pass> <Filename>\n\n"    exit end

dev_id = ARGV[0] user = ARGV[1] pass = ARGV[2] @file = ARGV[3]

auth_host = '' auth_path = '/youtube/accounts/ClientLogin' upload_host = '' upload_path = "/feeds/api/users/#{user}/uploads" video_file = "/home/gmd/vtrack/#{@file}"

if ( !File.exists? video_file )    print "\nError: Invalid video filename specified\n\n"    exit end

Hi,   I got direct API working with Client Login Authentication in Ruby, I am using net/http and net/https . I am including the full program code below.

require 'net/http' require 'net/https'

if ( ARGV.size < 4 )    print "\nUsage: ruby youtube_upload.rb <DevID> <User> <Pass> <Filename>\n\n"    exit end

dev_id = ARGV[0] user = ARGV[1] pass = ARGV[2] @file = ARGV[3]

auth_host = '' auth_path = '/youtube/accounts/ClientLogin' upload_host = '' upload_path = "/feeds/api/users/#{user}/uploads" video_file = "/home/gmd/vtrack/#{@file}"

if ( !File.exists? video_file )    print "\nError: Invalid video filename specified\n\n"    exit end