Very strange problem with Gettext and Haml / rake updatepo


I'm on Rails 2.3.3 and using Haml 2.0.9 for my templates and Gettext-Rails 2.0.4 for the translation. Haml works like a charm and gettext is also working like it should.

But I cant get Gettext to parse Haml Files when using "rake updatepo". I created a custom parser like this:

# lib/haml_parser.rb require 'gettext_rails/tools' require 'haml' # Haml gettext parser module HamlParser   module_function

  def target?(file)     File.extname(file) == ".haml"   end

  def parse(file, ary = )     haml =     code = haml.precompiled.split(/$/)     GetText::RubyParser.parse_lines(file, code, ary)   end end


My Rakefile looks like this:

# Rakefile require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config', 'boot'))

require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask'

require 'tasks/rails'

desc "Create mo-files for L10n" task :makemo do   require 'gettext_rails/tools'   GetText.create_mofiles(true) #(true, "po", "locale") end

desc "Update pot/po files to match new version." task :updatepo do   require 'gettext_rails/tools'   require 'haml_parser'   MY_APP_TEXT_DOMAIN = "APP"   MY_APP_VERSION = "APP 1.1.0"   GetText.update_pofiles(MY_APP_TEXT_DOMAIN, Dir.glob("{app,lib}/**/*.{rb,rhtml,html.erb,haml,html.haml,rjs}"),                          MY_APP_VERSION) end

This follows the known approach for parsing Haml files ( ).

The problem: No MessageIds are recognized from my Haml files. I checked with "puts" in the Haml-Parser if it tried the right files, could parse them and so on. Everything seemed to be fine, it just recognize anything and always returned only the already found msgids and for the Haml file an empty Array.

The strange thing: When I enter this in my console, everything works:

$$ script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.3)

require 'gettext_rails/tools'


require 'haml'


file = "app/views/sessions/new.haml"

=> "app/views/sessions/new.haml"

haml =

=> #<Haml::Engine:0x4254104 @tab_change=0, @block_opened=false, @inden [...]

code = haml.precompiled.split(/$/)

=> [" content_for :head do;", "\nhaml_temp = stylesheet_link [...]

GetText::RubyParser.parse_lines(file, code, )

=> [["Login", "app/views/sessions/new.haml:4"], [...]

As you can see everything works here (I left out the long returns). I'm kind of freaking out why this isn't the case in my Rake Task.

Anyone has an idea? You would really make me a happy Nerd!
