validates problem

Validation:   validates_presence_of :name validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 150   validates_inclusion_of :category, :in => %w( X Y XY )   validates_length_of :gender, :maximum => 3   validates_length_of :tag, :within => 1..10

Data sended

data: !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess   name: Bond   category: X   tag: standard


Category is not included in the list Tag is too short (minimum is 1 characters) Gender is too long (maximum is 3 characters)

What wrong?

Category is in list Tag can't be too short, it 8 char And gender can't be too long, because there is no gender value at all.

can you set a debugger in your Controller/Model to see what is actually received?

How can I se a debbuger?

You need to install ruby-debug gem first Check if it already installed gem list

   write debugger at the place where u want debugging and now start your server like ./script/server --debugger then you will get debug prompt Type h for help to get available commands example : to print any value say @var p @var