Validate uniqueness of association not working.


I have the following classes for postgres rails 4 project :

class Medhospital < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :pcp belongs_to :hospital validates_uniqueness_of :pcp_id, :scope => :hospital_id end

class Pcp < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :scheds has_many :medhospitals, dependent: :destroy has_many :hospitals, through: :medhospitals has_many :patients, through: :scheds accepts_nested_attributes_for :medhospitals, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true end

class Hospital < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :scheds has_many :medhospitals has_many :pcps, through: :medhospitals end


I am forcing the error to test and the validation for the uniqueness it is not working instead I get this exception:

PG::UniqueViolation - ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “index_medhospitals_on_pcp_id_and_hospital_id”

BTW I am testing manually from a view form.

Am I doing something wrong ?



Show us the code are you using to save it.


Here is the code you ask Colin:


simple_form_for @pcp do |f| = f.error_notification

.form-inputs.row.col-md-12 = f.input :name = f.input :last = f.input :phone1 = f.input :phone2 = f.input :bod = f.input :esp =f.simple_fields_for :medhospitals do |hospital|
= render ‘medhospital_fields’ , f: hospital, hindex: hcnt = link_to_add_association ‘Add a hospital’, f, :medhospitals

.form-actions = f.button :submit



.nested-fields.hosplital-fields = f.association :hospital ,label: “Hosplital”, collection: Hospital.all, label_method: :name, prompt: “Select Hospital” = link_to_remove_association “Remove”, f


I don't see any code there that saves a record.


That is all I have, The controller have nothing special all is basic and default. Well not quite, I am using

cocoon gem for the nested forms but other than that is pretty vanilla.


class PcpsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_pcp, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :authenticate_user!

def new @pcp = end

def create @pcp = respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to @pcp, notice: ‘Pcp was successfully created.’ } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @pcp } else format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: @pcp.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end end


That is all I have, The controller have nothing special all is basic and default. Well not quite, I am using

cocoon gem for the nested forms but other than that is pretty vanilla.

Please quote the previous message when replying, it makes it easier to follow the thread. Thanks.

Does your medhospital unit test, that checks the validation, pass ok?


There is no unit test for this.

There is no unit test for this.

Then the solution is obvious. Write one.
