Using text_area helper in a partial


if someone could tell how to work around this.

I'm calling a partial like so: render :partial => 'space_line', :locals => {:external_space => @new_space.external_space, :space => @new_space}

Within the partial I have the following text_area code:   text_area( :external_space, :space_comment, :style => "width: 100%", :class => "rich_text_editor")

I assumed the text_area helper would access the local variable :external_space, but of course does not. Instead it looks for @external_space. If it doesn't find one, it creates an empty text area.

Can I somehow provide a local variable, or am I out of luck here?

Best regards   jak4

I assumed the text_area helper would access the local variable :external_space, but of course does not. Instead it looks for @external_space. If it doesn't find one, it creates an empty text area.

Can I somehow provide a local variable, or am I out of luck here?

either assign the local variable to an instance variable (yuck) or use form for which allows you to bind fields to non-instance variables.


i am guessing fred wants you to use form_for :slight_smile:

I think you are right ;). But since form_for didn't work I went with the yuck part and hope that nobody will ever find out.