using form values

I’m not sure I understand, but I would guess the answer is:

<%=h number.m1 * 25 %>

James Englert wrote:

I'm not sure I understand, but I would guess the answer is:

<td><%=h number.m1 * 25 %></td>




Thanks for the reply, what I am trying to do is take the value from

<td><%=h number.m1 %></td> and do this:

<td> ref to td above X 25</td>

I don't know how to reference the results from the first td in order to do the math I want to in a different td.

I hope I made a little more sense.


Not really. You're not doing *anything* "in a td" -- you're generating markup in a view (unless you're trying to describe using JavaScript to interactively set this value in the client).

number.m1 is the same no matter where you refer to it in any given page, so what was already suggested is exactly right:

<td><%=h number.m1 %></td> <td><%=h number.m1 * 25 %></td>

If that's not the answer, please try to explain what you want to do a little more clearly.