Using ActionView helpers elsewhere

I am working on a reporting library (perhaps a gem someday). It's coming along pretty well thus far, though I could use some collective intelligence on something.

I would like ActionView::Base (particularly the helpers to be available within a lambda. The point of this is to define transformations on columns (0..n) within an instance of the class to output within an erb template.

For reference, both class A and B below produce the correct result, but class C is what I'm trying to do.

class A < ActionView::Base   def run     content_tag('a','b')   end end

class B < ActionView::Base   def run     l = lambda { content_tag('a','b') }   end end

class C < ActionView::Base   attr_accessor :l

  def run   end end

a = => #<A:0xb35c9a00 @controller=nil, @assigns_added=nil, @assigns={}, @view_paths=, @logger=nil> => "<a>b</a>"

b = => #<B:0xb35c60f8 @controller=nil, @assigns_added=nil, @assigns={}, @view_paths=, @logger=nil> => "<a>b</a>"

c = => #<C:0xb35c37b8 @controller=nil, @assigns_added=nil, @assigns={}, @view_paths=, @logger=nil> c.l = lambda { content_tag('a','b') } => #<Proc:0xb35bf938@(irb):26> NoMethodError: undefined method `content_tag' for #<Object:0xb7d249a4>         from (irb):26         from (irb):18:in `call'         from (irb):18:in `run'         from (irb):27

Any thoughts?