Using ActionMailer on a controller method

The problem I am having, is when I try to create a new ticket, I get the error:

NoMethodError (undefined method `customer' for nil:NilClass): app/models/ticket_mailer.rb:7:in `newticket' app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:84:in `create'

Which I know simply put is telling me the customer doesn't exist, because customer_id would be nil, so there is no association. But there is.

No, it's telling you that the "ticket" variable (at line 7 of ticket_mailer.rb) is nil, and NilClass objects don't have a "customer" method.

class TicketMailer < ActionMailer::Base def newticket(ticket) ticket = @ticket subject 'A new ticket has been created for you' recipients from '' sent_on end

I'd assume the problem is caused by the assignment in the first line of the method; I'd guess it's meant to read:   @ticket = ticket ..because as it is, it doesn't make much sense to pass in a ticket parameter and then immediately overwrite it with an instance variable.

Do you have "map_resources :tickets" in your routes.rb file?

Okay, So when we get to line 5 of app/views/ticket_mailer/newticket.erb, you're passing the @ticket variable to the link_to helper... so what's the value of @ticket at this stage? Is it actually a "Ticket" object, or is it Nil?