using a variable to invoke a custom method within autocomplete

I'm implementing a version of the autocompletion script found at autocomplete-with-belongs_to-fields and have run into a stumbling block.

The issue involves passing in a variable to indicate which custom method should be invoked. I have an ugly workaround (a duplicate function hardcoded to use the custom method), but would like to learn a better way to handle this case. It feels like I'm missing something simple, but I'll be damned if I can see it.

# from: app/helpers/application_helper.rb

def indexed_auto_complete_result(entries, entityType, field, index)   return unless entries   items = { |entry| content_tag("li", entry[field], "id" => entityType+'::'+entry[index].to_s) }   content_tag("ul", items.uniq) end

This works fine for referencing model attributes which exist in the "Highlights" table (name, description, etc.) but fails if 'field' is passed in as "name_with_place". The unordered list is created, but it's full of empty <li> tags. If I change it to use entry.field I get NoMethodError (undefined method 'field') errors in the log.

My eventual workaround was to add this function for those times I need to access the name_with_place method. This works as desired, and properly invokes the custom name_with_place method. It's clearly not DRY, though.

  def indexed_auto_complete_result_with_place(entries, entityType, field, index)     return unless entries     items = { |entry| content_tag("li", entry.name_with_place, "id" => entityType+'::'+entry[index].to_s)}     content_tag("ul", items.uniq)   end

# from: app/models/highlight.rb belongs_to :place

def name_with_place   if   else    "#{} (#{})" end end

# from: app/controllers/highlights_controller.rb def auto_complete_for_highlight_internal_name   find_options = {     :conditions => [ "LOWER(name) LIKE ?", '%' +params[:highlight] [:internal_name].downcase + '%' ],     :order => "name ASC",     :limit => 10   }   @highlights = Highlight.find(:all,find_options)   render :inline => "<%= indexed_auto_complete_result @highlights, 'highlight_id', 'name_with_place', 'id' %>" end

# from: public/javascripts/application.js

function auto_complete_on_select(element, selectedElement) {   var entityParts ='::');   var entityType = entityParts[0];   var entityId = entityParts[1];   document.getElementById(entityType).value = entityId; }

# from: app/views/highlights/index.rhtml

<% form_tag('/highlights/edit', :method => :post) do %> <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :highlight, :internal_name, { :size => 40 }, { :after_update_element => 'auto_complete_and_redirect_on_select' } %> <%= hidden_field 'highlight', 'id' %> <%= submit_tag("Edit") %> <% end -%>

That works great for the dropdown. I'll take a look at .send and the potential for executing any object method, which might make this approach a nonstarter.

Thanks, Jon