updated_at not updating....

How strange? I have a model that has updated_at as a "magic" field in the database. But it isn't updating unless I update it manually.

Doing a google search, I saw someone else having a similar problem that was using one of the acts_as_taggable plugins.

I am using acts_as_taggable_on_steroids AND betternestedset in this model

Any suggestions would be helpful



Rails 2.0.2 From schema.rb, the affected model: create_table "tasks", :force => true do |t|     t.string "description"     t.boolean "done"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"     t.integer "lft"     t.integer "rgt"     t.integer "parent_id"     t.text "notes"     t.integer "user_id"   end

Try taking off the two plugins to the model, and see if that affects it (just test real quick in script/console).

My guess is one, or both, of these plugins (or you) overrode the default AR "update" method with their own and did not include the updated_at magic. At worst, you can always add a before_save callback that sets the field manually.

Your guess was correct. It is the acts_as_nested_set (betternestedset) plugin. Thanks for your help!!
