unitialized local variable using fastercsv with sqlite3

I want to import data into an sqlite3 db, but am fuzzy as to how to declare variables to get that done.


:name => name

Both of the above need to be initialized or defined somehow, but I don't know how.

thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ ruby import.rb ["one"] import.rb:11: undefined local variable or method `name' for main:Object (NameError)         from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastercsv-1.2.3/lib/ faster_csv.rb:1458:in `each'         from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastercsv-1.2.3/lib/ faster_csv.rb:1003:in `foreach'         from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastercsv-1.2.3/lib/ faster_csv.rb:1175:in `open'         from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastercsv-1.2.3/lib/ faster_csv.rb:1002:in `foreach'         from import.rb:8 thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ cat import.rb require 'rubygems' require 'fastercsv' require '/home/thufir/goodfellow-tool/config/environment.rb'

infile = "data.csv"

FCSV.foreach(infile) do |row|         p row         Call.new(                 :name => name         ) end thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ sqlite3 development.sqlite3 SQLite version 3.4.1 Enter ".help" for instructions


CREATE TABLE calls ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "name" varchar (255) DEFAULT NULL); CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer);

SELECT * FROM calls;



thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $ cat data.csv "one" "two" "three" thufir@arrakis ~/goodfellow-tool/db $

