Unable to add Fonts in Tinymce Editor


     I am using a tinymce editor in my app. i was not able to see any fonts in my editor. i am using tinymce plugin for this one.

in hammer.rb :

         the code looks this

@@init = {     :paste_convert_headers_to_strong => true,     :paste_convert_middot_lists => true,     :paste_remove_spans => true,     :paste_remove_styles => true,     :paste_strip_class_attributes => true,     :theme => 'advanced',     :theme_advanced_toolbar_align => 'left',     :theme_advanced_toolbar_location => 'top',     :theme_advanced_buttons1 => 'undo,redo,cut,copy,paste,pastetext     :theme_advanced_buttons2 => '',     :theme_advanced_buttons3 => '',     :theme_advanced_fonts => "Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Courier New=courier new,courier,monospace;AkrutiKndPadmini=Akpdmi-n",     :valid_elements => "a[href|title,blockquote[cite],br,caption,cite,code,dl,dt,dd,em,i,img[src|alt|title|width|height|align],li,ol,p,pre,q[cite],small,strike,strong/b,sub,sup,u,ul"

Is there is any other way to setup fonts in tinymce editor ??

I'm pretty sure you just define styles in a particularly-named stylesheet and TinyMCE uses them. Try looking on their documentation site.
