Translating this test using mocha

Hello,     I'm trying to learn Mocha and having a bit of problems how to translate some of my tests to the mocha world.

For example - I'm trying to convert this simple test:

[code]   def test_get_feed_details_w_bad_url     assert_incomplete_test     get :feed_widget_details, :k => 'e6efb203a1cdebcf5a7406175924fe9991979f68', :id => artists(:first).id     assert_response :success     assert_equal WEB_SERVER + '/controller/rss/blog/artist_1', assigns(:blog_url)     assert_include '<title type="text">No blog entries</title>', @response.body   end [code]

What would be the mocha form of this?

Clem Rock wrote:

Hello,     I'm trying to learn Mocha and having a bit of problems how to translate some of my tests to the mocha world.

For example - I'm trying to convert this simple test:

[code]   def test_get_feed_details_w_bad_url     assert_incomplete_test     get :feed_widget_details, :k => 'e6efb203a1cdebcf5a7406175924fe9991979f68', :id => artists(:first).id     assert_response :success     assert_equal WEB_SERVER + '/controller/rss/blog/artist_1', assigns(:blog_url)     assert_include '<title type="text">No blog entries</title>', @response.body   end [code]

What would be the mocha form of this?   

Not quite sure of the underlying implementation, so not sure I'm going to be much help, but it feels like there's way too much stuff being tested here (Jay Fields has been done some great posts on this recently on his blog: and uses Mocha in his examples), and also, possibly, some of the things being tested should be in a model (though not necessarily an ActiveRecord one)

First of all I'd test all the fetching and parsing of the feed in a unit test. Something like:

def test_should_raise_bad_url_error     Net::HTTP.any_instance.expects(:get).returns("1.1","400","Bad Request")) # assuming your using Net::HTTP to do the fetching     assert_raise(Feed::BadRequestError) { => "http://some.nonexistant.url") end

Then, in the functional test, it's a lot simpler, cleaner, less brittle, etc

def test_should_show_message_when_bad_feed_url     Feed.expects(:new).raises(Feed::BadRequestError)     get :feed_widget_details, :k => 'e6efb203a1cdebcf5a7406175924fe9991979f68', :id => artists(:first).id     assert_response :success     assert_select "title", "No blog entries" end

I've not included the testing of the :blog_url instance variable, as this is presumably set on all request, and should have its own test.

Hope this helps
