thinking sphinx: query price> 0

Is a model of products with the indices

   define_index do      indexes: name      indexes description      has product_shops.price,: as =>: price      has catalog_product_connections.catalog_id,: as =>: catalog_id    end

Need ability to filter by price.

The controller write this:'', :with => {:price => params[: price_from].to_i..params[:price_to].to_i})

It works. But how to specify the query type: price > 1000? I have tried this:'', :with => ['price>?', params[: price_from]])

getting error searchd error (status: 1): invalid or truncated request

What to do?

Sphinx doesn't have the concept of greater or less than for filters - not in a simple sense, anyway. The easiest approach is to have a range between 1000 and a really big number (given it's an integer, perhaps 2^32): :with => {:price => 1000..(2**32)}

Give that a shot.