Testing namespaced controller using global model

I have

app/controllers/admin/post_categories_controller.rb app/models/post_category app/test/controllers/admin/post_categories_controller_test.rb


When I run

rake test app/test/controllers/admin/post_categories_controller.rb`


I get errors like:

  1. Error:


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation “admin_post_categories” does not exist

LINE 1: DELETE FROM “admin_post_categories”


Here’s part of my post_categories_controller_test.rb:

require ‘test_helper’

class Admin::PostCategoriesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

setup do

@post_category = post_categories(:one)


test “should get index” do

get :index

assert_response :success

assert_not_nil assigns(:post_categories)


test “should get new” do

get :new

assert_response :success



So, basically my problem is that controllers, views and other things are namespaced (for now there is an “admin” namespace, but I will also add a “public” namespace later), but I want to use the same models (not namespaced models) for both the admin and the public area of this system.

Thanks in advance for any help.

I have found the problem. I had put fixtures in



And that was causing rails tests to think my table was admin_post_categories. As soon as I moved the fixture files back to



All the tests just started working again.