Testing custom model functions in unit tests...

I have a custom function, for kicks:

def find_newest   Card.find(:last) end

In my unit test I want to:


But I get the "method not found" error.

What am I missing?


Rather, it should be noted that find_newest is in my model...

I answered my own thought... in the unit test, I have an object, created via fixtures, @c and I am able to call the proper method, and get back the proper value, passing the assertion.

(I figured I would stuff "find newest" into the model)

I answered my own thought... in the unit test, I have an object, created via fixtures, @c and I am able to call the proper method, and get back the proper value, passing the assertion.

What you shoud probably do is create find_newest as a class method, ie

  def self.find_newest   ...   end

rather than requiring an instance of the class for something that is not specific to any particular instance


And don't write the Card constant within the method once you do this, since self in a class method is the class.

def self.find_newest   find(:last) end

In my unit test I want to:


But I get the "method not found" error.

After you apply the 'def self.find_newest', look up my assert_latest, to learn its Card.maximum(:id) trick:

Note that the online version of assert_latest is fully productized...


Thanks for the thoughts, guys!