Testing acts_as_attachment?


I found this test helper on the Rails wiki, works like a charm.

  # returns an uploaded screenshot you can use to test file uploads in your controllers   def uploaded_screenshot     uploaded_file("#{File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT)}/test/fixtures/ samplescreenshot.jpg", "image/jpeg")   end

  # returns an uploaded movie you can use to test file uploads in your controllers   def uploaded_movie     uploaded_file("#{File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT)}/test/fixtures/ samplemovie.flv", "video/flv")   end

  # get us an object that represents an uploaded file   def uploaded_file(path, content_type="application/octet-stream", filename=nil)     filename ||= File.basename(path)     t = Tempfile.new(filename)     FileUtils.copy_file(path, t.path)     (class << t; self; end;).class_eval do       alias local_path path       define_method(:original_filename) { filename }       define_method(:content_type) { content_type }     end     return t   end

put that in test_helper.rb

Then in your controller test, put this:

  # update a fragment   # uses test helper uploaded_screenshot() to simulate a file upload   def test_should_update_fragment     put :update, :id => 1, :fragment => { :title => 'new f' },                                      :screenshot => { :uploaded_data => uploaded_screenshot }

    assert_redirected_to fragment_path(assigns(:fragment)), assigns(:fragment).errors.inspect   end