Put this into a *.rake file, and invoke it from a command line as
"rake test:svn_recent":
require 'fileutils'
task 'test:svn_recent' do
`svn status`.
map{|f| f =~ /^M\s+(.*_test.rb)/; $1 }.
each do |uncommitted|
FileUtils.touch uncommitted
It finds every SVN file with a status of M (due to Subversion's stated
goal to support absurdly easy grep-based scripting), and touches this
file. Then it invokes the normal test:recent run, which adds files to
the test list if their modification time is newer than 10 minutes ago.
For a good time, we could also add the ability to find every modified
source file, find its matching *_test.rb, and trigger it. That
behavior is allegedly in test:recent too, but I have never seen it
working. It should be very easy to add to this system.
Here's an upgrade to my former attempt, this time using the rake-internal mechanisms, instead of touching files.
Put this into a *.rake file, and invoke it from a command line as
"rake test:svn_modified":
namespace :test do
Rake::TestTask.new(:svn_modified => "db:test:prepare") do |t|
t.libs << 'test'
t.verbose = true
t.test_files = `svn status test`.
map{|f| f =~ /^M\s+(.*_test.rb)/; $1 }.
It finds every SVN file in the test folder with a status of M (due to Subversion's stated
goal to support absurdly easy grep-based scripting). Then it passes these files to the 'test' task.
This works better than test:recent because (even while practicing Continuous Integration), files may stay modified for longer than 10 minutes between integrations.