test failures in trunk...

Im getting failures when running the tests from trunk (rev 5717) - is this expected or am i doing something dumb?

for example in actionpack:

  1) Failure: test_preset_empty_asset_id(AssetTagHelperTest) [./test/template/asset_tag_helper _test.rb:148]: <"<img alt=\"Rails\" src=\"/images/rails.png\" />"> expected but was <"<img alt=\"Rails\" src=\"/images/rails.png?1165918465\" />">.

  2) Error: test_compile_time(CompiledTemplateTests): Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - ./test_compile_template_a.rhtml     ./test/controller/../../lib/action_view/base.rb:452:in `mtime'     ./test/controller/../../lib/action_view/base.rb:452:in `template_changed_sin ce?'     ./test/template/compiled_templates_test.rb:84:in `test_compile_time'

  3) Failure: test_number_to_currency(NumberHelperTest) [./test/template/number_helper_test.rb :25]: <"$1,234,567,890"> expected but was <"$1,234,567,891">.

Perry. I reported this error on Trac 3 months ago: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/6315

According to one of the comments, the rounding error only occurs on windows, where the calculation is actually correct. On mac, everything seems fine, because both the testcase and the calculation is wrong.

That might explain why the bug is still in the trunk. It's probably not just a coincidence because the core team are all lucky enough to have macs. :slight_smile:

Feel free to add your 2 cents to the trac ticket :slight_smile:

/Jesper www.justaddwater.dk www.copenhagenrb.dk